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Teretek®: Revolutionising Road Repairs

Road repairs pose a continuing challenge for asset owners and managers in infrastructure management. Whether addressing voids, correcting levels, or providing ground improvement, traditional methods often entail disruptive and costly processes. However, emerging technologies are reshaping the landscape of road maintenance, offering efficient and non-invasive solutions that promise significant time and cost savings.

Unlike traditional methods that require extensive excavation and labour-intensive procedures, Teretek® offers a streamlined approach that prioritises efficiency and effectiveness. By harnessing advanced materials and techniques, Teretek® enables void filling, level correction, and ground improvement with minimal disruption to existing infrastructure.

The significance of Teretek® lies in its ability to expedite repair processes and its capacity to deliver substantial savings for asset owners and managers. 

By reducing downtime, minimising traffic disruptions, and optimising resource utilisation, Teretek® offers a cost-effective alternative that enhances the overall sustainability of road maintenance operations.

In this article, we talked to Laurie Andrews, the Regional Business Development Manager (NSW/ACT) for Mainmark, who has 30 years of experience as a Civil Engineer, about using Teretek®, exploring its key features, benefits, and real-world applications. 

Unique role in the market

Mainmark is the pioneer of Teretek/polyurethane in the Australian market with a tried and tested track record of over 30 years. It has tested and developed its product range, equipment, and team to suit Australian conditions.

“We support our application capability with a technical team of Engineers across our regions,” says Andrews.

“We are accredited with ISO 9001, 14001 and 4801 systems and processes and pride ourselves on our unique B2B project management capability. We also have a broad range of Teretek products tailored for the requirements of our specific application.”

“We use Teretek beneath both flexible and rigid pavements, culverts, bridge approach slabs, embankments, and for the support of foundation systems” he says.

Teretek® can re-confirm support and limit deflection and deterioration by filling voids underneath pavements. It eliminates the rocking of pavements and the subsequent pumping of subgrades. 

“Teretek® is frequently used to fill voids and raise bridge approach and relieving slabs,” Andrews says. “Including targeted ground improvement in suitable soils.”

Quick turnaround

One of the biggest challenges associated with any road repair is the time it takes to complete the repair. Mainmark’s Teretek® products are designed to take effect almost immediately.

“Teretek® is inert and is created by an irreversible reaction that results from a combination of plural components at the point of injection,” Andrews says. 

“There is no degradation of the mixture once it has been injected and cured. Teretek is solid within 15 to 60 seconds and achieves approximately 90 per cent of its strength within the first hour.

“Teretek has been assessed as having a life span of more than 120 years,” he says.

Mainmark has continuously worked with a single material manufacturer for the research and development of its Teretek® materials for geotechnical applications.

By having a national footprint and more than a dozen specialised self-contained mobile Rigs, with operations staff employed in all major capital cities across Australia, Mainmark’s Teretek® range of materials has been developed to solve the challenges associated with a wide range of applications and corresponding mechanical properties.

“For over 30 years, we have been working with asset owners, asset managers, remediation contractors and design practitioners explaining that there are ‘new’ options out there in Teretek® that are more environmentally friendly and commercially viable compared to the traditional remove and replace mindset, ”Andrews says. 

Part of that sustainable outcome is from the reduced impact of injecting the resin to remediate a pavement compared to the environmental impact of the traditional complete pavement remove and replace process. 

The future

While Teretek® injection is still perceived as a new technology, it has provided solutions for leading roading authorities across Australia for over 30 years.

“Still today, there are many asset owners, asset managers, civil remedial works practitioners and applicators that are unfamiliar with the technology,” Andrews says. 

“As governments and businesses become more aware of the environmental impact of the older remove-and-replace mindset, I see the adoption of the far less intrusive resin remedial works growing in the future.

“Mainmark have completed over 84,000 projects with our Teretek® technology, even though there is still a relatively low level of understanding in the civil pavements segment. Much of the industry is still learning about the numerous advantages and applications of Teretek.” 


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© 2024 The Mainmark group of companies. ‘Mainmark®’, ‘Terefil®’, ‘Terefirm®’ and ‘Teretek®’ are trademarks of the Mainmark group of companies.

Mainmark Ground Engineering Pty Ltd
ABN: 51 606 182 503

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